
Our practice is basically a family dentistry. We are prepared to assist you with children’s check-ups, preservation therapy, fillings, common dento-alveolar surgery. The prosthodontic dentistry is our speciality.

The dental technician resides close to the surgery, the dental porcelain appliances are made adjacent to the surgery, this giving optimal possibility for continuous consultancy between patient and dental technician.Temporary immediate dentures in planned cases are always provided for immediately, in unforeseen cases in the shortest time possible.

We offer a variety of dentures from removable partial & complete dentures through several fix & combined dentures to suprastructures of many implant systems (Pitt-easy, Uniplant, Symplant, Bego-semados, Ankylos, Nobel-biocare, Replace, Zimmer).

Prosthodontic rehabilitation of difficult cases are dealt with by Orthodontist often in collaboration with a Maxillo-facial surgeon. We have many years’ experience in maxillofacial prosthodontics.

We provide professional support and participate in dental care of disability patients of Bethesda Children’s Hospital.

General Dental Procedures

Price (HUF)

Periodic oral examination



5 000.-

Problem focused oral evaluation

5 000.-

Intraoral x-ray

5 000.-

Bleaching at clinic (per jaw)

40 000.-

Bleaching at home (per jaw)

40 000.-

Deep-drawn occlusal splint

25 000.-

Restorative Dental Care

Price (HUF)

Sealant - per tooth

15 000.-

Aesthetic filling

25 000 - 40 000.-

Primary tooth filling

15 000 - 20 000.-

Porcelain (all ceramic) inlays/onlays

85 000 - 105 000.-

Belle Glass inlay/onlay

70 000 - 80 000.-


Price (HUF)


25 000 - 40 000.-

Temporary closure with medication

5 000 - 15000.-

Root canal filling

25 000 - 40 000.-


Price (HUF)

Metalceramic crown/bridge unit

80 000.-

immediate temporary crowns included

Zirconium crown/bridge unit

110 000.-

immediate temporary crowns included

Belle Glass crown/bridge unit

95 000.-

immediate temporary crowns included

Immediate temporary crown made in the surgery

15 000.-

Temporary crown made by a dental laboratory

25 000.-

Removable partial denture

150 000 - 240 000.-

Removable complete denture

200 000.-

Implant superstructure extra fee

(Pitt-Easy (CH-H), Semados (D), Ankylos (D), SGS (CH-H))

35 000.-

superstructure extra fee / implant (over implant surgery, and materials)

Implant superstructure extra fee

(Nobel Replace (Swe))

40 000.-

superstructure extra fee / implant (over implant surgery, and materials)

Implant superstructure extra fee - other

50 000.-

superstructure extra fee / implant (over implant surgery, and materials)


Price (HUF)

Scaling and root planing

15 000 - 25 000.-

Oral Surgery

Price (HUF)

Tooth extraction

15 000 - 25 000.-

Sinus Closing

50 000.-